Monday, April 8, 2013


How is yours? As we dream and plan our summer fruit, vegetable and flower gardens, dirt should be at the top of your list. Water may be #1, but dirt is a close second. Get IN THE DIRT - feel it, smell it and see what is living in it. If it does not smell alive, you need to show it some love. Does your dirt feel like clay and is sticky? or is it sandy? Start by giving it and yourself a workout, dig! Turn the solid over at least 1 1/2 feet down.....did you see any worms? if not, put them on your list to get at the garden center. they are natures cultivators! Once your dirt is nice a broken up, feed it with some amendments. If you have clay heavy dirt, you need something to break up soil so roots can grow and water can reach the roots. iI it is sandy, add organic humus to feed and build it up. Usually a general organic soil amendment will do the trick, but if you are concerned, take your dirt to a good garden center and they can help or the easy soil testing kits work great too. I like to turn, amend, water and then let it sit a week before putting anything in it....well except those worms! If you need more dirt than your car will hold, check on-line for who will deliver dirt ready to plant...always organic. 

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