Tuesday, July 23, 2013


True abundance; cooking from my garden with people I love- Wilson and Chauncey

Abundance is everywhere! In the garden cucumbers, beans, squash and hopefully tomatoes are ripe and ready for picking and cooking for the many abundant opportunities we have to enjoy the outdoors and make memories with family and friends.

This past weekend, SilverSun Sunday hosted a very special showcase, Sara Bareilles for her 3rd album release "The Blessed Unrest". Sara writes and beautifully sings the thoughts we have and sometimes scream in our heads. Sara performed a mix of old and new, sang her current empowering song "Brave" that every person should listen to and practice everyday. Sara's cover of "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" had even Pretty Boy, the noisy rooster quiet not to miss a note of her incredible rendition. This was her 3rd time to the Ranch so it was casual, familiar and a tradition for Sara and us. 

Beautiful Sara performing at SilverSun

Family, friends and work community of around 100 made the journey to the country with kids in tow and munched Mexican snacks, sipped  a perfect summer, sparkling Pinot Grigio "Contadino"*.

It was thankfully an overcast day....odd for this time of year and probably why tomatoes have been slow to ripen. I believe summer will last until November this year, so maybe plant another set of tomatoes and we will all be having fresh tomato salads for Thanksgiving?!

Sara's biggest fans take a front row seat on the lawn - Ruby, Irene (my girl) and Emily

Just as I was ready to ring the barn triangle and gather all to the garden stage, I looked out and saw some of my local Teledyne and Amgen neighbors mingling with my entertainment friends, children running in packs and one adorable little girl in a polka dot, party dress doing cartwheels across the lawn, time stood still and I got to recognize the abundance of that moment, appreciate the hard work that was put into creating not only this event, but SilverSun Ranch where we dreamed of creating a place that would create experiences.

I rang the triangle, Sara performed and not only were we blown away by her stunning voice and so familiar to our soul lyrics, but also at the lovely, humble and quite funny woman that she is. She graciously signed CDs, took pictures and joined the us for awhile......it was perfect!


Impromptu dinner magic - Mike 

as the guests left and we dwindled down to the core group, hunger set in and we decided to cook!

Mike ** and I went to work, pulling ingredients, discussing pans and making a plan. In the end with help from Anastasia, Heidi and Emily we felt our way to a never to be duplicated, scrumptious dinner. I will tell you that it included shallots, kale, garlic, zucchini, peppers, fresh herbs and pretty, orange nasturtiums from the garden. Plus a bottle of white wine, capers, heavy cream, risotto, aged Parmesan and lots of laughing, dancing and abundant joy for each other!
Kitchen crew...onion goggles really work! - Mike, Heidi and Emily

A mismatched table was set, kids were fed in their favorite, rare place in front of the TV and this hard core party, food, music loving group made a toast and I know all felt the abundance of this magical day!

A glorious, abundant evening - Anastasia

Get out there and find the abundance in your life today!

“When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.” 
 Anthony Robbins

* get this Pinot at Trader Joe's

** Mike Kirk is a friend and lifestyle producer from Nashville. He just complete a series for PBS called "Sing For Your Supper". They filmed at the historic Ryman Theatre. Chef Bob Waggoner (The Watermark) invites Country's best artist to come cook, talk and sing. Check out his show in September. singforyoursupperusa.com