Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Tomato teenagers and eggs ready to go

I love to give gifts, considering just the right one, wrapping it beautifully to match the person or gift, the anticipation of it being opened and the connection that is shared. 

This morning I put together baskets of my tomato plants for friends, some friends have been SilverSun Ranch tomato fans for several years now, so the history is deep. This is my favorite gift because it is from my deepest creative heart. 6 months in the making....I have poured over seed catalogs, planted one tiny seed to wait like a kid at Christmas for the first sign of life to pop through the dirt, sent the list to tomato fans, been intrigued and enjoyed seeing their responses and decisions, watered, talked to, transplanted to the big kid pot and now packing these tomato teenagers up and sending them away with my love, hope and promise that they will grow beautifully, produce madly and be enjoyed.

These special gifts can come in so many packages. My friend Michelle upon hearing that I was in an wardrobe rut, sent me a huge basket of fashion magazines, cookies, trail mix and some exotic tea. BUT, she had gone through each magazine and using tiny post its and a sharpie she pointed out items that would look good on me! It was so personal and from her creative heart that it insprired me to create a fashion wall, that to this day I change up every season. I think about Michelle almost every morning.....

My fashion wall, yes that is my tutu!
Thanks Michelle

Find what comes from your creative heart and give, give, give. Our world needs it!

Ok, enough about the "growth" of our soul.....

When planting Tomatoes:

* From dirt up, cut off 2-4 leaf fingers, where the leaves where will be buried and become strong roots for you plant

* always start with a hole at least 2x your plant, measure how far down based on your new plant top above ground

* break up the root ball a bit

* add some crushed egg shells mixed with a organic plant starter at the bottom of the hole. Tomatoes love calcium.

* fill dirt only half way and water to allow dirt to settle

* finished adding dirt ending in a mound so you create a moat around the plant and water again.

* visit everyday. Tomatoes are like newborns, they love a regular feeding schedule

"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also" Matthew 6:21